No, it should not bring terror to us. It should remind us of the longer, warmer days. The energy the sun will provide us, the brighter, lighter.. shorter.. qhm clothes. Well.. yes, Winter sometimes is better described as ‘the couch, pizza and TV Series season’, because let’s be frank, who is the one who likes to dress up and go out when its windy, rainy and cold? And if we do go out, the amount of clothes is substantial enough for one to disguise well a few rolls which we would have formed over the Winter months.
Let us all be positive today and instead of despairing, be proactive and formulate a plan which will lead us to a more confident US!
No 1:
You cannot expect changes in the way you look and feel if you do not change your attitude!
Start by planning your days ahead. Think about what you will be eating, prepare your lunches and snacks and find at least 2 hours in a whole week where you can dedicate some precious time to yourself. Be it a gym session, circuit training or else a walk along the promenade. It takes 21 days to form a positive habit, so consider today as Day 1.
No 2:
Be Realistic
If you know that you need to lose a few kgs to reach a healthier weight, do not expect it to happen in one day. Patience and perseverance is the key. Consider dragging a long your sister, mother, friend or a colleague to that yoga class, you may find it easier to stick to a commitment if you are not on your own.
No 3:
That piece of cake you ate two days ago will not ruin everything!
Allow yourself to a piece of cake if it’s your colleague’s birthday, and no do not feel guilty. It is what you eat every day that makes a difference not a small sliver of cake.
No 4:
Resorting to Aesthetic treatments to help you look better and feel better is no sin
When one has a toothache, the Dentist is the professional to go to. Using the same principle, if one is struggling with their looks, an Aesthetic Doctor is the ideal person to give you advise. A professional Doctor will not just look at your problem, but will look at you as a holistic individual and will suggest the best ways to make you feel better and look better.
No 5:
Trust, knowledge and consistency is the key
Trusting your Doctor is essential. If there is anyone who would like you to be happy and satisfied with a treatment it is him. And yes, if he suggests any changes to your lifestyle to help you get an optimal, please follow the advice given.
Last but not least, seeking perfection is unhealthy, but seeking to boost our confidence is not. Chin up and look forward to the sunshine season.